Act 3, Scene 4: A Story for the Kings



%ACT% Everyone is talking, drinking tea, like one does. Then Inok'bana dings his teacup with a spoon to get everyone's attention.

%SND% Dingdingding

Inok'bana: "Distinguished Council members, may I courteously beseech you to concentrate your engagement to the speaker!"

Ben'andor: "Inok, this is a closed meeting, we can speak like normal people."

Pal'enon: "Yes, can we please, I forgot my thesaurus at home."

Inok'bana: "The clandestineness of this session notwithstanding, we do have an external guest of utmost relevance: The esteemed Vis'alik, appointed adjutor of his majesty, King Say'ake-Sen."

Vis'alik: "It is with great elation that I acknowledge the privilege to orate before this acclaimed colloquium, regardless of the somber tidings I am obligued to convey."

Everyone: "Huh?"

Vis'alik: "It is a pleasure to speak here before the Council of the Mages' Guild, despite the sad news I have to bring."

Everyone: "Aaaaah!"

Vis'alik: "Thank you for coming here on such short notice, but unfortunately the King's health has taken a very sudden turn for the worse, and despite our best effort, we have not been able to find a rightful successor."

Ben'andor: "How bad is it?"

Vis'alik: "As bad as it gets, Lord Ben'andor. His majesty passed away just a few hours ago."

%ACT% Everyone is shocked.

Vis'alik: "Our researchers have been busy tracing the family's bloodlines in all possible directions, but to no avail. All closer relatives have either died of the rat plague, or fell at the front against the Bren'ozian, and the higher up the family tree we have to go, the harder it is to locate anybody."

Pal'enon: "So, I assume the king has left you with instructions for this kind of situation?"

Vis'alik: "What I'm telling you now, must never leave this room. The King has been lying in a coma for over a year, and never got to make a decree about the future of the royal court. The realm has been effectively been run by me and the state secretaries since then. But with the King's death, the legitimacy of this government has ended, and if we don't present the nation with someone they trust by the time the bad news breaks, the situation could escalate real fast."

Pal'enon: "By Zanika's tail tip, we're in trouble."

Ben'andor: "I think we all agree that the Mages' Guild will do everything it can to help."

Inok'bana: "Absolutely."

Vis'alik: "That is great to hear, because the fate of the realm will depend on you, Inok'bana."

Inok'bana: "Wait ... you want me to be the next king?"

Vis'alik: "Not quite, but close. You must become the late King's steward."

Inok'bana: "That's an offer anyone could hardly refuse. But what gives you the authority to make that offer?"

Vis'alik: "Power is nothing but an illusion. As long as the people believe your have the power, you have the power. The Guild is by far the most trusted non-government organization in the realm. And you, Inok'bana, are the most respected leader in the Guild. If we put you up on stage with the King's guard, saying this was the King's true last wish, there will be no reason for anyone to doubt it."

Ben'andor: "You want to trick an entire nation?"

Pal'enon: "A trick? Let's call it what it is. A scam."

Vis'alik: "We merely do what must be done, Lady Pal'enon."

Ben'andor: "It would create a huge conflict of interests though. The guild has always prized itself as an independent organization."

Pal'enon: "Yeah, if Inok becomes the head of state, that'll effectively make us an arm of the government."

Inok'bana: "On the other hand, no king has ever understood the needs and interests of the gifted and our Guild more than I do. No more negotiations about funding. It will be a new age of magic."

Vis'alik: "There is no time for arguments. If you can at all accept Inok as the steward, this is how we will save the realm for now, and if not, face certain doom."

Inok'bana: "Then let's do it. And I would like to appoint my most trusted peers, Lady Pal'enon and Lord Ben'andor, as my personal advisors."

Vis'alik: "There is one thing I forgot to mention. **I** will be your personal advisor and secretary. That is not negotiable."

Ben'andor: "Why? Can't let go of your own power?"

Vis'alik (taking a deep breath): "Dear council, would you mind taking a break, and re-joining us in a couple of minutes? There is something Inok and I will have to discuss in private."

%SND% Sounds of chairs being moved

Pal'enon (leaving): "I'm skeptical about this ..."

Ben'andor (leaving): "Yes, but he's right, what else are we going to do?"

%SND% Door Closes.

Vis'alik: "Do we both agree that you are, effective immediately, the legitimate ruler of the realm?"

Inok'bana: "Yes."

Vis'alik: "Good. Because I will now tell you something that only Kings are allowed to hear. I have served many rulers. Say'ake-Sen, Amon'ake-Sen, Tres'ilo-Sen ..."

Inok'bana: "I know."

Vis'alik: "But also Edo'mane-Sen, Ur'toka-Sen, Bil'asto-Sen, Redok'henso-Sen, Mul'veda-Sen, Ark'oldor-Sen, Wen'oldor-Sen, Gold'uno-Sen ..."

Inok'bana: "Wait ... how can that be ...?"

Vis'alik: "Over the last thousand years, I've been known by many names. I was born to serve. I will serve you as I have served generations of kings and queens before you. I will be your most loyal ally. I will never doubt you. Never question your power. The only thing I will always protect over everything else is the existence of the realm. In the beginning of all things, when our Goddess Zan'ika walked down Mount Eno, she declared the land of Sen'ayda her holy grounds, and instructed her followers to build the palace and the city of Shan'eno around it. It was the most beautiful place in the world, and the people were happy, and Zan'ika said, 'I want this realm of beauty and magic to live on until all eternity, and in freedom.' And she called me to her, giving me her blessing, and the purpose I fulfill today: To make sure that this realm will never perish, no matter what happens. I am not here to rule the realm. I am here to to serve the realm. And if you serve the realm, no matter how, as long as the realm will live on I will serve you."