Act 3, Scene 3: An Attempt Was Made

Setting: Tim'ofej's house!
Stage setupNameComment
BacklightFor the windows
Left: Tim_House_Left
Middle: Tim_House_Middle
Right: Tim_House_Right
On 2nd rail
oven[6]. Needs a surface to hold the kettle and an oven pipe (Two persons for set up)
shelf [7]Attached to backdrop at [7]. Needs a surface to hold bread and bottles and a hook beneath for the cloak (Two persons for set up)
shelf [6]Attached to backdrop at [6]. Needs a surface to hold small decorative items. (Two persons for set up)
window curtainsNoneAttached to backdrop at [4]. Needs to be able to be closed. Static in this scene. Closed. (One persons for set up)
lantern4x attached to backdrop on the positions of the wooden beams.
easel[2, 2nd], turned by 45° towards the window. (One persons for set up)
gryphon paintingNoneOn easel with an almost finished gryphon on it. (One persons for set up)
On playrail
table[4] Needs surface to hold bottles and glasses. (One persons for set up)
Hand props & personal props
kettleNoneOn shelf [7]. Static in this scene.
decorative objectNone4x on shelf [6]. Static in this scene.
brushNoneFor Tim'ofej to paint with. Fixed to puppet.
bottle of wineAikoFor Meld'okan.
mugWane, Aiko, Kayjay3x for Meld'okan.
bottle of meadDunkelpfoteFor Meld'okan.
kitchen knife2ndVoiceHuge. Sticking in the bread on the table at [4].
handcuffsDunkelpfote, HakuFor Tim'ofej. 2x, one for Tim'ofej to carry into the room, one already prepared on the oven to cuff Meld'okan.
jute bagKayjayFor Meld'okan.
bagKayjayFor Tim'ofej to pack. Hanging on a hook from the backdrop at [3].
bottleZuriFor Tim'ofej to pack. On shelf [7].
water bottleFoxelFor Tim'ofej to give to Meld'okan. On shelf [7]? Same type of bottle as bottle.
breadFoxel2x, One on shelf [7] to give to Meld'okan (hand needed) and one on table at [4] (static).
Special effects
Yan'anoLunoVerpeilusEisfuchsYan'ano Wolf
Yan'ano_GryphonDunkelpfoteOrun, ZephyrEisfuchsYan'ano GryphonNone
1RATSxxRemote 1 Blue Button (set 1 to )Telekinesis: Things are moving
Intro**00:00 **
Dialogue**00:00 **
**Scene Total****00:00 **


%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light OFF (Static Playbacks)

%LIG% LX-0099 STANDBY for GO, L7 backpro Light Blue #154, T2 near und far auf B light #19

%MIX% Check Levels
%MIX% Unmute Desk

%MIX% Puppeteer1: ON


%ATT% STANDBY Stage left [1, 1st, off]: Meld'okan

%ATT% STANDBY Stage left [1, 2nd, off]: None

%ATT% STANDBY Stage right [7, 1st, off]: Yan'ano (Wolf puppet) without actors

%ATT% STANDBY Stage right [7, 2nd, off]: None

%ATT% STANDBY Stage: Tim'ofej in front of the easel at [2, 1st], Yan'ano_Gryphon (Gryphon puppet) posing at [4, 2nd]

%LIG% LX-0000 fade-in: backpro 100%, backdrop T2 near, mid, far alle

%HND% Open the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - open

%LIG% LX-3300 -> 1-3 Room

%AMB% AMB-3301 - House Ambience

%ACT% Tim'ofej is standing at [2, 1st], putting the finishing touches on his gryphon painting for the queen, assuming that if he can't get paid for it, he'll at least finish it for the sentimental value.

%ACT% Yan'ano_Gryphon is standing at [4, 2nd] and posing for Tim'ofej.

%ACT% Tim'ofej paints around on the gryphon painting with a brush.

Tim'ofej: "And there we go ... now the eyes are perfect."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Can I see?"

Tim'ofej: "Sure, come over."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Nice! I like how fluffy my bumfeathers look. But don't you think the head is still a bit too small in relation to my body?"

Tim'ofej: "Nah, that's just the perspective. You're looking towards the viewer, so your beak looks a little smaller than it is."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Interesting. But I really like the painting. Do you think they're still going to pay for it?"

Tim'ofej: "If I manage to deliver it before they realize what's going on, why not?"

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "I wouldn't risk it if I were you."

Tim'ofej: "Well, knowing you and your death wish, maybe I should keep it so I have at least SOMETHING to remind me of you when you're gone."

%SND% SND-3301- Knocking at the door.

Tim'ofej: "Goddammit, not now. YES? WHO'S THERE?"

Meld'okan (outside): "It's me! Meld'okan!"

Tim'ofej: "And what the hell do you want?"

Meld'okan: "Talk. Just talk."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Well, at least he's asking instead of just spanking his monkey outside our bedroom."

Meld'okan: "I heard that! And again ... I'm sorry. Can we talk without a door between us? Please?"

Tim'ofej: "*sigh* Alright. Why the hell not."

%ACT% Tim'ofej walks off at [1, 1st] and returns with Meld'okan in.

%SND% SND-3302 - Door Open / Close

%ACT% Meld'okan comes in, carrying a big jute bag with stuff in it.

Meld'okan: "Thanks a lot. Oh, hi Yan. Nice to see you."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Uhm ... likewise ..."

%ACT% Meld'okan sits down at the table at [3], letting out a deep sigh, but saying nothing at first.

Tim'ofej: "Sooooooo ... uhm ..."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "So, how're things going, balls still in place?"

Meld'okan: "Yeah, you really had me there for a moment. But I had it coming, right? I don't know what I got into me, I really didn't want to put you guys in danger ... especially not you, Tim ... Obviously."

%ACT% Tim'ofej sits down across Meld'okan at the table at [5].

Tim'ofej: "That's not what it looked like though."

Meld'okan: "It's not easy to talk about this ... to find the right words ... uhmm ..."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Would you two prefer to talk in private?"

Meld'okan: "No, this is about you as much as it is about Tim. But, if you could do me favor ... would you mind changing back to your regular form? Trying to talk on eye level with a predator three times my size is kinda hard ..."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Fair enough ... Let me change and grab some fresh clothes, I'll be right back."

%ATT% Have Yan'ano's wolf puppet ready offstage right [7, 1st].

%ACT% Yan'ano_Gryphon walks off stage at [7, 1st].

%ATT% Switch Yan'ano's puppet to his wolf form. Take Yan'ano's gryphon puppet off stage.

%SND% SND-3303 - Rummaging Sounds from off stage.

Meld'okan: "Oh, and I brought a bottle of wine that I'd like to share with you. Think of it as my conciliation gift."

%ACT% Meld'okan reaches for the bottle of wine (below the play-rail) and puts it onto the table.

Tim'ofej: "Wow, I would never have expected something as civilized as this from YOU ..."

Meld'okan: "It's never too late to learn, right?"

%ACT% Meld'okan also brought matching mugs which he puts somewhere everyone can reach.

%ACT% Meld'okan opens the bottle of wine with his teeth. Let's not overdo it with the sophistication.

%SND% SND-3303A - Open Bottle

%ACT% Meld'okan proceeds to pour wine for himself and Tim'ofej.

%SND% SND-3303B - Pour Wine

%ACT% Yan'ano (wolf) comes back in, stretching his back, sitting down next to Tim'ofej at the table at [4, 1st].

Meld'okan: "For you, too, Yan?"

Yan'ano: "Red or white?"

Meld'okan: "Red. From the sun swept hills of Del'amon."

Yan'ano: "Ah, too bad. My stomach can't handle red wine, It'll give me heartburn."

Meld'okan: "No problem. How about some honey mead instead?"

Yan'ano: "Yes, please! Prepared for every situation, eh?"

Meld'okan: "I screwed up so many things, I really wanted to get this right."

%ACT% Meld'okan brings up a bottle of mead and opens it

%SND% SND-3303C - Open Bottle

%ACT% Meld'okan pours some mead for Yan'ano. He puts the bottle of mead back into his pocket afterwards.

%SND% SND-3303D - Pour Wine

Meld'okan: "So. Tim. Yan. I want to apologize for how I treated you two. My jealousy got the better of me, and I ended up doing some very dangerous and disrespectful things. That was wrong, and you deserve better. I am so sorry."

Tim'ofej: "That's a bit of a late realization, isn't it."

Meld'okan: "It took me some time to get over it. And to build up the courage. But now I'm here, and I ... *deep breath* ... I sincerely want to wish you two the best. And ... ehm ... I know it's a lot to ask for ... but do you think we can still be friends? And I mean just friends. Nothing more."

Tim'ofej: "Hmmm ..."

Meld'okan: "... Please ...?"

Tim'ofej: "Hmmmmmm ... okay. We can at least try, I guess. Why not."

Meld'okan: "Thank you. So let's drink to that. To friendship."

%ACT% Meld'okan raises his mug.

%ACT% Tim'ofej and Yan'ano reluctantly also raise their mugs.

Yan'ano: "To friendsh-"

Tim'ofej: "WAIT!"

Meld'okan: "What is it? Was it something I said? Did I do something wrong?"

Tim'ofej: "Noooo no no, it's okay Meld. I just changed my mind. I'd also like to have some of the mead, please."

Meld'okan: "But I've already poured you a mug of red, it would be a shame to let that go to waste."

Tim'ofej: "Yeah, you're right, let me fix that real quick."

%ACT% Tim'ofej downs the red wine in one gulp.

Tim'ofej: "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej slams the mug on the table.

Tim'ofej: "Now I'm ready for some mead. If you would be so kind."

%ACT% Meld'okan suddenly becomes extremely nervous.

Meld'okan: "Wha ... what's up with you Tim, why are you acting so weird all of a sudden."

Tim'ofej: "Mead, please. For our friendship."

Meld'okan: "I ... I'm afraid I'm all out, Yan got the last of it ... so ... sorry."

Tim'ofej: "That's not what I remember ...."

%ACT% Tim'ofej waves with his paw, using his telekinetic powers to pull the bottle of mead back out of Meld'okan's pocket.

%SND% SND-3304 - Telekinesis

Tim'ofej: "Turns out you still have plenty! I'll help myself if you don't mind ..."

%ACT% Tim'ofej telekinetically pours himself a mug of mead out of the bottle of mead.

%SND% SND-3305 - Telekinesis

%SND% Snd-3305B - Pour Wine

%ACT% Meld'okan can barely contain himself. He knows things are going terribly, terribly wrong, thinking frantically for a way out.

%ACT% Tim'ofej reaches for the mug, and begins to lift it to his mouth (by hand).

Tim'ofej: "Aaaaaah, I do love myself a glass of sweet, delicious mead, hmm ..."

%ACT% Meld'okan jumps at Tim'ofej, and swats the mug out of his hand.

Meld'okan: "NO!!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej doesn't even flinch because he saw that coming. Instead he just looks at Meld'okan.

Tim'ofej (calmly): "Why, Meld? Why did you do this?"


%ACT% Meld'okan grabs the huge kitchen knife that was sticking in the bread on the table at [4, 1st].

Meld'okan (whispering to himself): "Kill the wolf, and be happy!"

%ACT% Yan'ano and Tim'ofej quickly throw their mugs away.

%SND% SND-3305C - Glass Crash

%ACT% Meld'okan wields the kitchen knife like a sword

Meld'okan (louder): "Kill the wolf-"

Yan'ano: "You fool!"

Meld'okan (screaming): "-AND BE ... HAPPY!"

%ACT% Meld'okan attacks Yan'ano.

%ACT% Yan'ano TELEKINETICALLY swipes Meld'okan away with a lazy paw gesture.

%SND% SND-3306 - Telekinesis SMASH AGAINST WALL

%ACT% Meld'okan gets smashed against the wall (BACKDROP) with full force, dropping the kitchen knife back into the bread on the table at [4, 1st].

%ACT% Yan'ano holds Meld'okan there TELEKINETICALLY

%ACT% Meld'okan struggles.

Yan'ano: "Sorry for letting my guard down like that. Do you have anything we can tie him up with? I can't hold him like this forever."

Tim'ofej: "Hold on a second ..."

%ACT% Tim'ofej runs to the bedroom at [7, 1st].

Meld'okan (through is teeth, mad): "Be prepared to feel the wrath of my mistress ..."

Tim'ofej (off): "I knew something was wrong. I've never heard him talk like that before. Then I felt the glow. In his head. Some evil kind of magic!"

Yan'ano: "That was Zil'iya's doing, one hundred percent. Mind control is her specialty."

%ACT% Tim'ofej comes back in, with a pair of handcuffs.

Tim'ofej: "Poor Meld ... Is there anything we can do to reverse it?"

Yan'ano: "I can do many things, including lightning strikes and making your milk go sour, but mind control? That's something the Guild would have never allowed. What do you have there ... oh, handcuffs? Kinky!"

Tim'ofej: "If it works it ain't stupid. Can you float him over here?"

Yan'ano: "Sure!

%SND% SND-3307 - Telekinesis FLOAT

%ACT% Yan'ano floats Meld'okan next to Tim'ofej near the oven at [6, 1st].

%ACT% Tim'ofej pulls Meld'okan's arms behind his back, handcuffing him to the oven pipe with both hands and the handcuffs.

%SND% SND-3308 - Handcuffs Click

Tim'ofej: "There we go."

Meld'okan: "Must ... kill ... the wolf ... must ... kill the wolf ..."

Tim'ofej: "It feels like someone let a jar of fireflies loose in his head ..."

Yan'ano: "That sounds familiar ... let me try something ..."

%ACT% Tim'ofej makes way for Yan'ano.

%ACT% Yan'ano tries to put his hand on Meld'okan's head but keeps his distance.

%ACT% Meld'okan growls like a feral cat, trying to bite Yan'ano.

%ACT% Yan'ano stretches out his arms like an antenna, just out of biting range.

%SND% SND-3309 - Brain Scanner

Yan'ano: "It feels like a magic seal, not unlike what the headmaster used to put on his cookie jar, but that's where the familiarity ends. We could try to neutralize it, but I have no idea what else that might cause."

Tim'ofej: "Well, look at him, how much worse could it get?"

Yan'ano: "Okay, then let's do this together. You keep the fireflies away while I unscrew the cookie jar."

Tim'ofej: "To any normal person this must sound like we're completely insane."

Yan'ano: "That's the magic of magic."

%SND% SND-3310 - Brain Scanner

Tim'ofej: "Hmmmmmmm...."

%ACT% They concentrate for a second

Yan'ano: "Oh, I think this is actually working ... hrrmm ... NOW!"

%SND% SND-3311 - Brain Unlock

Meld'okan: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhh!"

%ACT% Meld'okan twitches like some sort of epileptic seizure. Then he slumps forward.

Meld'okan (hazy): "The queen .... there are no words ... for what she did to me ..."

Tim'ofej: "It's okay, Meld. I know that wasn't you."

Meld'okan (hazy): "But it was me! It has been me all the time! I really wanted to kill Yan, with every fiber of my body. And I really do love you, Tim. From the bottom of my heart."

Yan'ano: "Don't take him too seriously. If Zil'iya still does her thing the way she used to, he's still going to need a lot of care before he'll be back to normal."

Meld'okan (hazy): "Friends. Why can't we just be friends ..."

Tim'ofej: "Don't worry Meld, Yan will help you, he is a true old school mage!"

Yan'ano: "And so are you, Tim. I'm sure you'll do a splendid job."

Tim'ofej: "What ... what does that mean?"

Yan'ano: "The cat is out of the bag. Zil'iya knows I'm here, she knows her plan has failed. It's time for me to go, or soon there will neither be an artist named Tim'ofej nor a house for him to live in."

%ACT% Tim'ofej embraces Yan'ano closely.

Tim'ofej: "Please don't leave me, Yan. Please, please, please."

Yan'ano: "In this short time, you became one of the best friends I ever had. But you knew I had to go one day. Look into yourself. How much were you in love with the illusion of a sexy mythical beast instead of who I really am?"

Tim'ofej: "The real you is an old man who needs every help he can get!"

%ACT% Yan'ano shakes free from the hug.

Yan'ano: "Grow up, Tim! **I** don't need your help ..."

%ACT% Yan'ano points at Meld'okan.

Yan'ano: "**He** needs your help! Listen to this old man's advice once, just once: Meld is the one you want to hang on to, not me! And I'm telling you that not as your teacher, but as your friend. Godspeed, Tim. May you live long and happy."

%ACT% Yan'ano storms off stage at [1, 1st].

%SND% SND-3312 - Door Close

Tim'ofej: "... FUCK!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej stands in the middle of the room, fetching stuff telekinetically, first a bag hanging from a hook on the wall at [3, 2nd], then a bottle standing on shelf [7] ... they float towards him and he puts it all "into" the bag, and the bag on the table at [4, 1st].

Meld'okan: "What are you doing?"

Tim'ofej: "Going after him of course! I can't just sit here while the queen folds him into a paper crane, or whatever mad sorcerers do when they run out of ideas."

%ACT% Tim'ofej telekinetically floats a water bottle and some bread from shelf [7] at [7, 2nd] to Meld'okan (on the floor out of view).

Tim'ofej: "Here's some water, and some bread. I'll be back, I promise."

%ACT% Tim'ofej telekinetically snaps open Meld'okan 's right arm from the handcuffs.

%SND% SND-3313 - Handcuffs Click

%ACT% Meld'okan stretches and shakes his arm.

Meld'okan: "What about my other arm?"

Tim'ofej: "Your mind is still far from stable. I can't risk setting you free yet. I'll be back, I promise."

Meld'okan: "No! Please don't leave me, Tim!"

Tim'ofej: "I must do this, Meld. I'm sorry."

Meld'okan: "Noooo! Pleasssse ... nooooo!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej grabs his stuff (the bag and the stuff inside) from the table at [4, 1st] and runs out at [7, 1st].

%SND% SND-3314 - Door Close

%ACT% Meld'okan begins to panic ...

Meld'okan: "No ... no no no no no ... NO! I think I'm going crazy. Or have I already gone crazy?"

%ACT% Meld'okan frantically looks around, and tries to find out how far he can reach with one free paw.

Meld'okan: "It's so hard to think ... the fireflies ... the pleasure ... the pain ... curse you Zil'iya, curse you! Oh ... what's that? The knife!"

%SND% SND-3315 - The Fireflies

%ACT% Meld'okan sees the kitchen knife sticking in the bread on the table at [4, 1st], just barely out of reach ... he reaches out ... can't reach ...

Meld'okan: "Fuck ... fuuuuuuck ... help me, little fireflies ... help me ..."

%HND% The kitchen knife begins to tremble ... then as if by magic, slowly rises from the bread and moves over to Meld'okan, until it ends up in his hand.

%SND% SND-3316 - Telekinesis

Meld'okan: "YES! YESSS! I've got it *laughs like a lunatic*"

%ACT% Meld'okan holds up the knife, looking at it from all sides.

Meld'okan: "Remember the pain, she said. Let it be your guide, she said. Losing Tim'ofej ... to the queen ... forever ... compared to that ... how painful could THIS even be?"

%LIG% LX-3301 Lights out

%SND% SND-3317 - SLASH


%LIG% LX-0099 Lights out

%HND% Close the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - close


%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light ON

%ATT% Microphone handover from ROLE to OTHER ROLE