Act 1, Scene 3: Not the Worst Pickup Line



%ATT% A younger Tim'ofej is having a nice evening at the local bath house, soaking in the hot tub, when he gets suddenly approached by an attractive young cougar.

%SND% Water flowing into various pools, visitors having light conversation

%SND% Tim'ofej approaches, barefooted. Patt, patt, patt, patt.

Tim'ofej: "Ah, perfect, the entire hot tub just for myself ..."

%ACT% Tim'ofej climbs into the hot tub, one foot at a time.

Tim'ofej: "Ah ... ah ... ah ... hot ... ahh ... *relaxes* Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej takes a deep breath, and lets himself float.

%ACT% Meld'okan approaches. Tappititappititapp.

%ATT% They don't know each other yet!

Meld'okan: "Oh hi, Twinkyfoxy. Mind if I come in?"

Tim'ofej (surprised): "Huh? Sure, why not? It's a hot tub for everyone?"

%ACT% Meld'okan gets into the water

%SND% splishysplashy

Meld'okan: "Sorry, I'm not very good at pickup lines."

Tim'ofej: "Oh, sorry, didn't realize that was supposed to be a pickup line."

Meld'okan: "Happens to me all the time."

Tim'ofej: "But I'm fine with Twinkyfoxy. And what's your name, Daddycatty?"

Meld'okan: "I'm Meld'okan. I noticed you're here almost every week. I think you're very cute, and I thought, maybe you'd be interested in hooking up for tonight."

Tim'ofej: "Nah, sorry. You might have gotten me last week, but today I'm just here to soak. My back is killing me."

Meld'okan: "Oh, sorry to hear that. Too much heavy lifting?"

Tim'ofej: "Quite the opposite. Too much sitting at my desk."

Meld'okan: "My friends say I give a pretty good back massage. Would you like one?"

Tim'ofej: "That offer is hard to resist ... just don't get any ideas, ok?"

Meld'okan: "You know, sometimes people just want to be nice. Turn around, TwinkyFoxy."

Tim'ofej: "You can call me Tim."

%SND% Tim'ofej moves around in the water

Meld'okan: "Hmm ... by Zan'ika's ear tufts, your shoulders feel like rocks ..."

Tim'ofej: "Yeah ... yeah ... ahh ... right there ... damn your paws are strong ..."

Meld'okan: "They have to be. I'm a carpenter. Just finished by apprenticeship at Dur'okul's."

Tim'ofej: "Nice ... gahhh! Ack ... hrgmbl ... blblblblbl ..."

%ACT% Tim'ofej slightly sinks under water, relaxing.

Tim'ofej: "*blubb*blubb*blubb*blubb*blubb*blubb*"

Meld'okan: "Wow, that's a pretty amazing fur tattoo you have there ... who designed that?"

%ACT% Tim'ofej re-emerges

Tim'ofej: "*GASP* I made it myself. I'm an artist. Well ... at least I want to be one."

Meld'okan: "It looks amazing. I wish I had one like this. Do you take commissions?"

Tim'ofej: "For gold, yes. For sex, no."

Meld'okan: "Come on, I'm horny, but not that horny."

Tim'ofej: "Hrssssgngnn ..."

Meld'okan (working hard): "Your back muscles have more knots than the entire Canine Chickenball league."

Tim'ofej: "I'm working on my portfolio. Trying to establish my reputation."

Meld'okan: "Have you ever thought of applying for art guild?"

Tim'ofej: "I don't think they'd take someone like me."

Meld'okan: "Not with that attitude. What's your problem, you only do tattoos and porn?"

Tim'ofej: "Whatever pays the bills."

Meld'okan: "Would you draw porn of me?"

Tim'ofej: "50 for a sketch, 100 for line art, 300 full color on canvas."

Meld'okan: "Dude, that's way too cheap!"

Tim'ofej: "Tell that to my customers."

Meld'okan: "Stop selling yourself short. My uncle works at the art guild in Weld'ona - would you like me to show him your portfolio when it's ready?"

Tim'ofej: "Really? That would be awesome!"

Meld'okan: "Sure thing. Why not?"

Tim'ofej: "Man, thank you so much. And thanks for the massage, too. I feel so much better now."

Meld'okan: "So are we going to see each other again?"

Tim'ofej: "What about tomorrow evening? At the Kitten and Rooster?"

Meld'okan: "Perfect! So my pickup line wasn't that bad after all."

Tim'ofej: "You sneaky bastard!"

Meld'okan: "See you tomorrow, TwinkyFoxy!"