Act 1, Scene 1: The Hunt

Setting: Outside, at the edge of a field. It's a cold winter night, the full moon is shining, and the stars are visible. The foreground is a scenery of shadows. Some bushes, a bunch of trees on the left and right. The backdrop uses back projection to display the night sky and animations, the trees and bushes are second level stage elements.
Stage setupNameComment
Projection Media (Field, Moon, Stars, Idle)NoneFOH
Projection Media (Gryphon first flight from [7] to [1])NoneFOH
Projection Media (Gryphon second flight from [1] to [7])NoneFOH
Projection Media (Gryphon third flight from [7] upwards)NoneFOH
Projection Media (Gryphon fourth flight from [1] to [7])NoneFOH
Left: Projection_Screen
Middle: Projection_Screen
Right: Projection_Screen
On 2nd rail
trees and bushes at [7][7, 2nd] (Two people for set up)
trees and bushes at [1][1, 2nd] (Two people for set up)
On playrail
Hand props & personal props
projectilesFoxel, Orun, Zephyr, KayjayMany for Villagers to shoot and sling. Assortment of arrows, rocks, crossbow bolts and chickens (yes, chickens).
bowNone2x for Villager_1 and Villager_2, fixed to puppets by velcro
slingshotNone1x for Tim'ofej, fixed to puppets by velcro
crossbowNone2x for Ton'kena and Villager_3, fixed to puppets by velcro
ballistaKida, FeoOn dolly
ballista arrowMstisha
bloody ballista arrowNone
lanternFoxel, Zephyr, Orun4x for Villagers and Tim'ofej. Orun gives the lantern to Tim'ofej. DO NOT FORGET Tim'ofej!
furry sized bundleKayjayYan'ano's stunt double. We use Ironwill
Special effects
Yan'anoEisfuchsOrunYan'ano Wolf
Villager_3randersNoneNoneFeivel McBrookhaven
1RATS1Remote 1 Blue Button (set 1 to 1)Ballista Shot
5RATS2Remote 2 Blue Button (set 5 to 2)Yan falls from tree
6RATS3Remote 2 White Button (set 6 to 3)Yan hits the floor
Intro**00:00 **
Dialogue**08:00 **
**Scene Total****08:00 **


%LIG% LX-0099 **RED** Work Light OFF (Static Playbacks)

%LIG% LX-0099 STANDBY for GO, ALL B Light #19, QW ready: CHEETAH orange #149

%LIG% LX-0000 T2 near und T2 mid 20%, QW 0%

%MIX% Check Levels
%MIX% Unmute Desk

%MIX% Puppeteer1: ON


%ATT% Projectors are set up and projection is ready.

%ATT% STBY Stage left [1, 1st, off]: Meld'okan, ballista

%ATT% STBY Stage left [1, 2nd, off]: None

%ATT% STBY Stage right [7, 1st, off]: Ton'kena, Tim'ofej, Lun'oona, Kal'iken, Yan'ano (Wolf puppet)

%ATT% STBY Stage right [7, 2nd, off]: Villagers

%ATT% STANDBY Stage: None

%AMB% AMB-1101 - Fantasy Night Birds

%LIG% LX-0000 T2 near, mid fade-in

%HND% Open the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - open

%LIG% LX-1100 Night

%SND% SND-1101 - Gryphon Fly By 1

%VID% The shadow of a large gryphon, half eagle, half lion zooooms across the scene from [7] to [1] direction on the Projection Media (Gryphon first flight from [7] to [1]).

%SND% SND-1101 (cont.) - SCREEEEE!

%ATT% Cue to begin running across the stage is the second SCREEEEE, the loud one.

%ACT% The Villagers with bows, crossbows, and slingshots run from [7, 2nd] to [1, 2nd], shouting commands excitedly and shooting projectiles.

%ACT% Kal'iken, Lun'oona, Tim'ofej and Ton'kena with bows, crossbows, and slingshots run from [7, 1st] to [1, 1st] level, shouting commands excitedly and shooting projectiles.

Ton'kena: "Over there! We got it! We got it! It's coming down ..."

%VID% The moment the Villagers are off stage, the gryphon returns across the scene from [1] to [7] direction on the Projection Media (Gryphon second flight from [1] to [7]).

%SND% SND-1102 - Gryphon Fly By 2

%SND% SND-1102 (cont.) - SCREEEEE!

%ACT% Lun'oona and Kal'iken don't come back, unlike everyone else ...

%ACT% The Villagers, Tim'ofej and Ton'kena run across the stage back [1] to [7] and then off stage, following the gryphon, shooting more projectiles, everything they have.

Ton'kena: "Meld'okan! Where are you? Get that goddamn wonder weapon of yours in place! This might be our only chance!"

%SND% SND-1102b - Creaky Wheels

%ACT% Meld'okan, Kal'iken and Lun'oona appear from [1, 1st], with Kal'iken and Lun'oona pushing a person-sized precision ballista on wheels across the field to [4, 1st], having a hard time to keep up with the action.

%ACT% Ton'kena will run across the stage on the 2nd level starting from here.

Meld'okan: "Yeah, yeah, yeah ... how about you guys stop running around like headless chickens? We're the goddamn artillery, we can't move that fast! Release the safety!"

Kal'iken: "Safety off! Ready to fire!"

Meld'okan: "Get ready to aim! Here it comes!"

%SND% SND-1103 - Gryphon Fly By 3

%SND% SND-1103 (cont.) - SCREEEEE!

%VID% The gryphon returns from [7], but seems to regain some height disappearing upwards, out of view 2/3rds across the Projection Media (Gryphon third flight from [7] upwards).

%ACT% The Villagers and Ton'kena return at the same time from [7, 2nd] running brainlessly across the stage once more following the gryphon's direction. They leave at [1, 2nd].

%ACT% Tim'ofej follows Ton'kena a bit behind on 1st level and stops by the ballista.

%ACT% Lun'oona turns the ballista, tracking the shadow, until the ballista is all the way turned towards [1].

Meld'okan: "45 ... 55 ... 65 ... FIRE!"

%ACT% Kal'iken releases the ballista arrow from the ballista.

%SND% RATS1 - Ballista Shot

Meld'okan: "Dammit! That was too low! Reload! RELOAD!"

Tim'ofej: "Hey, wait a minute! Weren't we going to catch the gryphon alive?"

%ACT% Kal'iken puts the bolt into the ballista.

Meld'okan: "Change of plans. Couldn't get it to shoot nets reliably."

Tim'ofej: "But you promised not to harm it!"

Meld'okan: "The queen wants it dead or alive, so better dead than gone!"

Tim'ofej: "Are you doing this just to hurt me?"

Meld'okan: "We don't have time for your bullshit! Lun! Prepare to fire another!"

Tim'ofej: "No! It's a creature that wants to live just like you and me!"

Kal'iken: "It's still gonna be beautiful when it's dead! Out of the way, wimp."

%ACT% Kal'iken pushes Tim'ofej away.

Tim'ofej: "ARGH!"

%VID% The gryphon returns and flies across the scene from [1] to [7] direction on the Projection Media (Gryphon fourth flight from [1] to [7]).

%SND% SND-1105 - Gryphon Fly By 4

%SND% SND-1105 (cont.) - SCREEEEE!

%ACT% The Villagers and Ton'kena return at the same time from [1, 2nd] running brainlessly across the stage once more following the gryphon's direction. They leave at [7, 2nd].

%ACT% Tim'ofej gets trampled over by the mob and disappears for a moment.

%ACT% Lun'oona turns the ballista following the gryphon.

Meld'okan: "There we go! Hold it more steady this time! 50 ... 40 ... 20 ... FIRE!"

%ACT% Kal'iken fires the ballista.

%SND% RATS1 - Ballista Shot

%SND% SND-1105 (cont.) - SCREEEEE!

%SND% SND-1105 (cont.) - Crashing Gryphon Noises


Ton'kena (off): "Gryphon down! Gryphon down!"

Lun'oona: "Really?"

Meld'okan: "One hundred percent! It went right into the tree!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej reappears.

Ton'kena (off): "Light the lanterns!"

%ACT% The Villagers walk back in from [7, 2nd] and [7, 1st] with lanterns in hand, searching the ground, looking up at the trees and bushes at [7].

%LIG% LX-1101 +Torches T2 mid + QW orange fade-in

Ton'kena (off): "Where in Zan'ika's name did it go?"

Meld'okan: "I clearly saw it crash right over there!"

%ACT% Ton'kena comes back in from [7, 1st] with the bloody ballista arrow in his hands.

Ton'kena: "One bolt, zero gryphons."

Lun'oona: "Look at all the blood! We CLEARLY hit it!"

Kal'iken: "There's no way it could have survived this!"

Tim'ofej: "And yet it's gone."

Meld'okan: "Why are you all blind like moles?!"

Tim'ofej: "Why don't you go and see for yourself then, Mr. Feline Night Vision Master Race? You grazed it, at best. Let's hope it's not bleeding to death somewhere. Poor thing doesn't deserve to die like this."

Ton'kena: "Stop it guys. I think we can all agree that, for a fact, we did hit it. But we also can't deny, for a fact, that it's gone now. And that means, for a fact, this hunt is over. I would suggest we call it a night and come back tomorrow. I'm sure it'll all make a lot more sense in the daylight."

Meld'okan: "Oh come on, seriously?"

Tim'ofej: "For a fact, even!"

Lun'oona: "Don't know about you, but I'm seriously getting cold feet. And judging by all the blood, it can't have gone too far."

Ton'kena: "Exactly. Come on, everybody, pack up your toys, we're going home."

%ACT% The Villagers mumble and pack their bows, slingshots and crossbows and walk off towards [1].

%ACT% Meld'okan, Kal'iken and Lun'oona push the ballista off the stage towards [1].

%SND% SND-1106B - Creaky Wheels

Tim'ofej: "I'll be with you in a moment ... got a little business to take care of first."

Ton'kena: "Gotcha. We're gonna make a stop at the Golden Hen, wanna join?"

Tim'ofej: "Sure! See you there in a bit!"

Ton'kena: "Alright!"

%ACT% Ton'kena follows the Villagers off towards [1].

%ACT% Tim'ofej waits for everyone to leave. He turns off his lantern, then steps behind the trees and bushes at [7] (2nd level) to take a leak, and lets out a sigh of relief.

%LIG% LX-1102 Night

%SND% SND-1107 - Tinkle Tinkle

Yan'ano: "*groan*"

%SND% SND-1108 - Branches Cracking

Tim'ofej: "Wha ... what? Who's there?"

Yan'ano: "*cough*

%ACT% Tim'ofej steps away from the trees and bushes at [7], looking up.

Tim'ofej: "I know you're up there! Show yourself!"

%SND% RATS2 - Fall out of Tree

%HND% A furry sized bundle falls out of the trees and bushes at [7].

%SND% RATS3 - Body hits floor

Yan'ano: "Ooooof! *cough*"

%ACT% Yan'ano appears from below the playrail at [7, 1st], trying to stand up, but failing.

Yan'ano (destroyed): "Damn, that was the biggest pigeon I've ever seen ..."

Tim'ofej: "Who the hell are you, and what were you doing up in that tree?!"

Yan'ano (destroyed): I was just peacefully sitting up there, minding my own business when suddenly BAM ... some giant thing crashed right into me. Next thing I know is the entire field is filled with people wielding torches and pitchforks. Hung on to that branch for my dear life, I tell you!"

Tim'ofej: "But what were you up there in the first place?"

Yan'ano: "It's a free country, and an old man can do whatever he likes."

Tim'ofej: "An old man I've never seen around here before."

Yan'ano: "That's because I am not from here. I'm from Pras'ole ... on my way to Shan'eno to get a new pair of shoes. Decided to take a rest and fell asleep. Old man problem, you know."

Tim'ofej: "That giant pigeon must have hit you right in the head."

Yan'ano: "Why?"

Tim'ofej: "Cause Pras'ole burned down 20 years ago."

Yan'ano: "Oh ... um ... Well, whatever, it was nice meeting you, now if you'll excuse me ..."

%ACT% Yan'ano tries to stand up, but falls right back down.

%ACT% Tim'ofej walks to Yan'ano.

Yan'ano: "Woah! Yikes ..."

Tim'ofej: "Hey, take it slow, old man. Do you have a place to stay in the city?"

Yan'ano: "Of course ..."

Tim'ofej: "And where's that?"

Yan'ano: "It's the ... the ... uhm ... errr ... the one ... or the ... other ... I mean ..."

Tim'ofej: "How about we go to my place?"

Yan'ano: "Oh noo, no no no, I'm the last person you want in your house, believe me."

Tim'ofej: "I'm definitely not going to just let you wander off into the cold and freeze to death. Maybe you'll remember what you were doing here after you had something to eat and a good night's sleep."

Yan'ano: "If you insist."

%ACT% Tim'ofej helps Yan'ano up, and Yan'ano holds on to Tim'ofej, and they begin to schlurf off towards [1].

Tim'ofej: "Name's Tim'ofej, by the way. And what should I call you, old man?"

Yan'ano: "Yan'ano."

Tim'ofej: "Nice to meet you, Yan. By the way, that thing was no giant pigeon but an honest-to-goodness gryphon. First one for almost a century. The Queen put some serious gold on its head. Did you see where it went by any chance?"

Yan'ano: "No idea, it was really dark up there."

Tim'ofej: "Tell me about it ... I can't believe we managed to hit it at all ..."

%ACT% Tim'ofej and Yan'ano wander off [1].

Yan'ano: "Well every dog has his day."

Tim'ofej: "Meld'okan is a cat."

Yan'ano: "Well, even a blind cat sometimes finds a grain of corn."

Tim'ofej: "Just like every horse has a silver lining."

Yan'ano: "And the early bird gathers no moss."

%LIG% LX-1103 Slow fadeout

Tim'ofej: "And people who live in glass houses shouldn't count their chickens."

Yan'ano: "You're a smart dog, Tim'ofej. You know things."

Tim'ofej: "I'm a fox. But close enough, I guess. This way ..."


%LIG% LX-0099 Lights out

%HND% Close the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - close

%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light ON